We offer a warm welcome to people from all backgrounds whether you are here to find out more about the Christian faith, or you are a Christian seeking a spiritual home, or you recently moved to Derby and seeking assistance. You are welcome to join our regular events and activities. Please contact us and we have a dedicated member to respond to you. Address 本會地址:
94 Ashbourne Rd, Derby DE22 3AG 現任牧師: 張掁光牧師 電話 Tel: 07449 332813 Email: [email protected] |
肯亞宣訪 2024
本堂正筹办「启发课程」及「门徒训练(红本)」,详情会稍后发出,希望弟兄姊妹能踊跃参与。 逢星期一晚上八點, 兩堂聯合網上查經班, 歡迎參加. 每個主日崇拜前12:50pm有簡短的禱告會, 鼓勵弟兄姊妹參與. ❖請勿停泊車輛在教會外面 Colvile St 的左手邊,如果沒有空位,可以停泊在Coop 的另外一邊,多謝大家合作!。 ❖ 教會銀行戶口已經改了為 •Co-operative Bank •Sort code : 08-92-99 • Account number: 67233522 Account name: Chinese Congregation Methodist Church Derby ❖ 教會現組織foodbank食物捐獻給有需要團體,請將捐獻食物放在捐獻箱,每個聖餐主日牧師會來收集。